Person299's admin command script is a command script created in 2008 by Person299. Gear/, face/, head/, animation/, and package/ take the names of catalog items as inputs, instead of having to look up the asset id on the website every single time. No more having to run a command every single time you respawn! You can now set any command or series of commands to occur whenever certain events occur, such as respawning, a player killing another player, or a key being hit, etc. You may use either : or as prefixes, or no prefix and separate the command fields with / The script will automatically make the place owner an admin. Updated adminlist and banlist UI, you can now also add admins and ban people from these menusNew commands, allservers/ and skydive/.You can now also add admins through a table in the script.Ĭelebrating 10 Years after the original Person299's Admin Commands invented Admin Commands in ROBLOX.I now release to you the next major revolution in admin commands.The entirely new Person299's Admin Commands V3!